Wednesday, October 31, 2012

CONGRATS to my favorite Indie Author!

Colleen Hoover's, Slammed Series has been not only picked up by a major publisher recently but it has now been optioned for film:) I knew when I found this little gem nearly 10 months ago from an unknown self published indie author that I had found something special! Her rapid firing success is much deserved. I have recently learned that she is a Texan like myself and that we grew up only a few short miles from one another! How crazy is that??? Small world we live in for sure!

I absolutely fell in love with her story and the characters that she created. I can not wait to see it come to life on the big screen!

Slam Poetry is a big part of this story and I wanted to share one of my favorite slams from the first book:

“Sometimes life gets in your way.
it gets all up in your damn way.
But it doesn't get all up in your damn way
because it wants you to just give up and let it take control.
Life doesn't get all up in your damn way because it just wants you to hand it all over and be carried along.

Life wants you to fight it
Learn how to make it your own.
it wants you to grab and axe and hack through the wood.
It wants you to get a sledgehammer and break through concrete.
It wants you to grab a torch and burn through the metal and steel until you can reach through and grab it.

Life wants you to grab all the organized, the alphabetized, the chronological, the sequenced. It wants you to mix it all together,
stir it up,
blend it.”
― Colleen Hoover, Slammed

Again a BIG, HUGE, ENORMOUS, GIGANTIC, OVERWHELMING Congrats to Mrs. Hoover! (And if you have not read this book yet......RUN, do not walk, RUN and get this book ASAP! You will not regret it;) Just click HERE to buy your copy now!

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