Monday, November 21, 2011

Marine Corps Birthday Ball 2012

We attended the Marine Corps ball on Nov 10th at the Marriott in Crystal City. It was Felipe's last ball in uniform and we decided to make a night of it. We got a room at the hotel and we enjoyed the ball until it ended at 1am in the morning! It was a blast celebrating, dancing and hanging out with all of Felipe's fellow Marines for the evening.
The next morning we enjoyed an amazing breakfast in Georgetown at an all organic pastry and breakfast cafe then we headed over to the famous Georgetown Cupcakes which is featured on TLC's D.C. Cupcakes. We brought home cupcakes for the kids and it was a great ending to a great trip!

NYC Bound Baby!

Reyna has been given an amazing opportunity to travel with the Company Dance Team to NYC to dance with the Rockettes in a 4 hour workshop which covers several dance techniques as well as be a part of a photo op and attend the Rockette Holiday Show at Radio City Music Hall on Dec 3rd!
She has worked so hard this year in all 5 of her dance classes preparing for dance team tryouts this summer. She has progressed so well that when one spot opened up for the workshop, she was the dancer that the studio owner invited. It is a team event but she was asked to attend even though she is not yet on the team.
She was thrilled about the news and because Dec 3rd is my birthday I thought what is a better way to spend my birthday than supporting my daughter in NYC for the day:)
We look forward to the trip amd can't wait to take photos to share with everyone!

reyna Dances in the Pre-Game show for the Forest Park High School Football Team!

Reyna was a Junior FPHS Dancer for the pre-game show to their Friday night home game a few weeks ago. She loved it and it was a really great performance. They had two rehearsals and they all did awesome!

Master Sgt. Felipe Perez says Farewell to the Marine Corps

After 24 years of honorable service to our country and the Marine Corps Felipe has decided to retire. This was a tough decision but ultimately it was made with confidence and we are ready for our next chapter in life. The Marine Corps has given us so much and Felipe will ALWAYS be a Marine at heart through and through.
We are looking forward to family and friends coming out in January to attend his retirement ceremony. It will be a very happy but emotional day for all.
I added 2 photos to this post one of him when he was a young Corporal and a recent photo of him. He has accomplished so much and has done it well! We are all so proud of him!

Virgina Walk For Autism 2012

In honor of Felipe Andres and so many other children we did the Virginia Walk For Autism this year. It was a really great event and we met some awesome people. The principle of the kids elementary school along with many other faculty and staff attended the event to represent our school. The kids loved the experience and they did a great job on the 5k walk. We were not sure if we were going to be able to make it to the event but ended up signing up 2 days before the event date and in only 2 days raised $230.00 for the cause via the donation page that we set up.
Thank you so much to those that made a donation in support of our walk!

So much happening in The Perez House!

We have had a very busy and exciting past couple of months around here! So much has happened in such a short period of time. Some has been wonderful and some things challenging.
In the next few posts I will share with you all of our news. Everything from our Walk For Autism, Felipe putting in for retirement, Reyna being invited to jion the Company Dance Team in NYC to dance with the Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall, the boys getting their yellow belts, our last Marine Corps Ball and a possible upcoming move for us!
To be continued...