Reyna as most of you already know turned 9 yrs old on October 8th! We decided not to do a party this year and did some special things instead. On the weekend of her birthday we went shopping at Heather's Dance Boutique where she spent her birthday money from her Nana and then on that Sunday we went to Cox Farms for the day where the kids enjoyed a hayride among many other things! It was a blast! We had her birthday dinner at Cheeseburger In Paradise, which Reyna loves! It was very eventful but fun weekend.
This weekend we attended the ballet which was her birthday gift from me and her dad. It was amazing! I left my good camera in the car by accident so the photos I have are from my phone camera. The pics are not great quality but Reyna had a great time. We had 3rd row seats right up front. Her eyes lit up when the curtains raised and all of the dancers in their jewel incrusted tutus stepped out! Her eyes were glued to each performance. There was a meet and greet after the ballet where she was able to get autographs and then we visited the gift shop where she was able to get an autographed ballet shoe that had belonged to one of the dancers! She said it was the "best day she ever had in her 9 year life." LOL
I have attached several photos from our trip to Cox Farms and a few photos from the ballet as well as some photos from the ballet advertisements in order to see a little of what we got to see:)
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