Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas Eve 2008

This year we spent Christmas Eve with our dear friends The Marquez Family. Here on Okinawa they are our family more than they are our friends. It has been a blessing to be stationed here at the same time with them. We spend most holidays together and many weekends and all special occasions as well such as birthdays etc. This Christmas Eve we all went to the South East Botanical Gardens for Christmas dinner and the ever so popular Christmas light show. The botanical gardens were covered in Christmas lights and decor. They had events set of for children and the grounds were absolutely breathtaking. It was like being in our very own Winter Wonderland on a tropical island!!!! :) It was great. The kids had a blast and the laser show was phenomenal. I can't even really explain the light show because it was simply amazing, words just can't describe it. Let's just say that the Japanese people and their high tech abilities were in HIGH gear that night. It was awesome. The kids were mesmerized by it. It was definitely a Christmas to remember.

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